Want to Work From Home? 6 Fast-Growing Careers in High Demand

Want to Work From Home? 6 Fast-Growing Careers in High DemandWorking from home is the number one choice for stay at home moms, people with special needs, retirees, military spouses, and other workers that need highly flexible jobs. But, more than that, it is the dream of those who want to spend more time with their families and personal interests instead of commuting. Everyone has a job, but many people feel that they don't have a true career.

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Of course, not everybody can deal with the idea of staying at home all day. It also requires discipline and self-motivation. These habits can be developed over time.

So, if you think that working from home is all that you need to have a better quality of life, here is a list of the fast-growing careers in high demand so you can choose which one suits your expectations and skills.

# 1 – Virtual Assistant

Becoming a virtual assistant is one of the best options if you are considering a work from home position that doesn't require a degree.  This is because “Virtual Assistant” is a very broad term. You can decide which kind of assistance you will provide. 

For instance, you could make phone calls, book flights, arrange accommodation, fill forms, or create spreadsheets. Some virtual assistants will also be responsible for arranging meetings, writing e-mails, and posting on social media. You can either be hired directly by an executive, as an independent contractor through your own home business, or by a company (such as Time Etc., Fancy Hands, or Belay Solutions).

Related: Beginner Online Virtual Assistant Jobs: Learning the Basics

# 2 – Translators

If you know a second language, you can try and find a place in the competitive world of translation. Due to the number of people offering the service worldwide, you might not get the best rates here in the beginning, but, after a while, they will increase thanks to your accumulated experience.

Rates can be even higher if you know a not-so-common language, or if you are capable of translating medical, technical, or legal documents – so if you are taking it seriously improving your skills will pay off. Translation jobs are usually paid per word and you charge extra if you are going to edit and proofread.

Related: How To Work from Home and Make Money as a Language Translator


# 3 – Web Designer and Developer

There is a high demand for professionals capable of designing and developing websites and other online applications and marketing pieces, such as mobile apps, landing pages, and social media ads. Since many people only need this service once, or at least not regularly, it is more likely that they will contract a freelance designer for the project.

Of course, you will need to have the necessary knowledge and toolkit. But, if you don’t have it already, you can always try an online course, create some samples, and start with gigs for beginners. Over time with more experience, you can get bigger projects.

Related: How To Make Money As A Freelance Web Designer

# 4 – Customer Service Representative

With the importance of delivering excellent customer service becoming one of the most important promises of any company, professionals are in high demand. As you can do it from anywhere, there are several companies willing to hire remote workers or freelancers.

All you will need here is the right equipment. This varies depending on the type of support you will provide, whether by e-mail, voice call, or social media. In some cases, you will only need a computer and internet connection, but, in others, you will be required to have a headset.

Related: 8 Remote Customer Service Work from Home Jobs That Pay Up to $15 Per Hour

# 5 – Freelance Writer

If you have a thing for words, freelance writing should be your career of choice. You can create a profile on sites such as Guru, or Freelancer, prepare a few samples of your work, and start bidding for jobs. Another option is to go straight to online writing agencies, such as Grab My Essay, and offer your services.

As a freelance writer, you can write blog articles, e-mails, letters, essays, social media posts, content for websites, and more. If you are confident about your grammar and spelling skills, you can also offer editing and proofreading services. 

Related: How to Quit Your Job and Become a Full-Time Freelance Writer

# 6 – Teacher

Is there anything that you are particularly good at? If yes, you can teach online. You can use Skype or Google Hangouts to offer one-to-one or even group classes and charge per hour or per module. Another option is to create an online course and publish it on Udemy or another similar platform and get paid every time someone accesses the class.

In any case, you might or might not need a qualification to offer courses. It will depend on the subject, the level of expertise that you are offering, and your experience in the area. But don’t forget to you can also do it offline, becoming a tutor, for example.

Related: Top 15 Legitimate Sites That Offer Online Tutoring Jobs

The Bottom Line: There Is A Career For You

These are six career options that allow you to work from home. In all the cases, you can either do it as a self-employed, a freelancer, or an employee hired by a company as a remote worker.  By working from home you will enjoy a much more flexible work style and all the freedom that comes with it.

About The Author

Kerry Creaswood is a successful writer and blogger. Her topics of interest are blogging, SEO and marketing. To find more about Kerry – check her out on Twitter.

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This Post Has 6 Comments

  1. Moxi Roxi

    Hi, your facebook page DreamHomeBasedWork is gone! :O What happened? :'(

    1. Lashay H.

      Hi! It’s not gone. You can follow me herehttps://www.facebook.com/DreamHomeBasedWork/

    2. Lashay H.

      Hi Moxi! It’s still here:-) http:Facebook.com/dreamhomebasedwork

  2. Mizzy Boz

    Web developer sounds awesome, but I lack the experience in this career.. would love to try it

  3. Lisa @ The Drifting Desk

    Hi ladies!

    Thank you for this awesome post. I once considered being a web developer before my blogging career really took off – I have a few friends who do it and they have incredible flexibility and some amazing benefits. It’s definitely an in-demand position! Everyone I know who does it loves it so I’m really glad to see it made your list.

    1. Lashay H.

      Wow Lisa! I never knew you had an interest in web developing. It’s seems like everyone is looking for someone to design something whether it’s a website, business cards, logos, ebook covers, etc. You should definitely do it as a side gig along with blogging. I’ll be your first customer 🙂

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